Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wise Rice Quotes 4

Love... such a beautiful thing, can be represented by many things: A heart, a dove, holding hands, hugging, and my most favourite utensil, chopsticks! (See how that all ties in together?) Its funny. So much symbols, can all represent the same thing, love. Never separating, always together, love forever.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Wise Rice Quotes 3

Who agrees we are different and special from one another? Well, if you think about it, many foods are too, especially dumplings. Why? Read it, and you shall find out. DUMPLINGS ROCK!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Wise Rice Quotes 2

My second quote, with a much deeper meaning! One day, we may leave each other, but remember, we are all together. A family. A family that loves rice!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Wise Rice Quotes 1

Hello everyone! I'm very sorry for not posting anything at all since I have been so busy with homework, eating rice, sleeping, and more homework. I've been lately interested into making quotes, so my new quotes, all about... Well, you know already. RICE! (Note: I'll be posting my new quotes every once in a while, so stay tuned!)

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Rice Speech

Hello Everyone! Sorry I haven't been long in such a long time! I just had to read a French speech a couple of days ago in front of my school, and do you know what my topic was?
And guess what, the judges actually liked my speech, and so, I am chosen to represent our school by a reading a speech about "Rice" I'll write my speech down here for you guys to read it visually, and for you people who heard it, it's a good thing you can read it instead of listening to my horrible French accent:
Le riz, peu importe comment vous le dites, le riz. Le plat principal si vous mangez dans un restaurant chinois, le riz. La source d'alimentation qu'on peut cultiver presque  partout dans le monde, le riz. Pourquoi est-ce que je dis ce mot beaucoup? Parce que le sujet de ce discours est tout un sujet du riz!

Le riz est une type de grain, comme le blé, le millet ou l'orge. Il y a plus de 40 000 différentes type de riz que nous mangeons généralement, la graine d'Oryza sativa (le riz asiatique) ou Oryza glaberrima qui est le riz d'Afrique.

Le riz se trouve presque partout! Les médias sociaux, les signes sur restaurants, même dans les dessins animés pour les enfants! Mais pourquoi? Pourquoi est-ce que le riz est maintenant partout? Savez-vous l'origine du riz? Si non? Laissez-moi vous enseigner l'histoire de riz! À partir de 2500 avant Jésus Christ, le riz a été une importante source de nourriture pour les gens. Le riz est vient de la Chine. Les Chinois l'ont échanger avec des pays comme le Sri Lanka et l'Inde. On croit que à 300 avant JC, Alexander le Grand et ses armeés ont apporté du riz en Asie de l'Ouest et la Grèce. Alexander le Grand était un roi de la Grèce antique. Ça c'est déja beaucoup d'information, mais c'est que le début de l'histoire de riz!

Dans 800 après JC, les pays eu l'Afrique de l'Est comme l'Éthiopie et le Kenya commencé à fait le traite avec l'Indonésie et l'Inde. Ça c'est pourquoi notre amis dans l'Afrique mange le riz aussi! Hm... Mais comment est-ce que le riz est arriver en Amérique  du Nord? Nous ne sommes pas tout à fait sûr, mais il y a quelques histoires qui du semble logique. Une histoire raconte qu'un navire endommagé a été forcé d'atterir dans les Carolines. En retour pour les réparations, le capitaine du navire a donné les colons un sac de riz. Aussi, on croit que les esclaves qui sont venus de l'Afrique ont apporté du riz de leurs pays. C'est pourquoi le riz est cultivé dans l'Amérique du Nord. Aprés la guerre civile, le riz est cultivé principalement en Californie, Mississippi, Texas, l'Arkansas et la Louisiane.

Aujourd'hui au 21e siècle, le riz est très populaire. Beaucoup des gens mangent du riz. Il y a beaucoup d'aliments du riz. Il y a le riz au lait, gateaux de riz, céréales de riz, Onigiris (Qui sont les ballons de riz que tu peux manger.), le sushi, le vin de riz, Rice Krispies, et beaucoup d'autres! Aussi, est-ce que tu sais, du tous les ustensiles utilisés pour manger du riz, on utilise deux batons. Ils sont appelés, des baguettes. Les baguettes sont la première façon de manger du riz parce que la majorité du riz est particulièrement collante et gtumeleux, ce qui le rend plus facile pour les baguettes pour ramasser et manger de riz.

Le riz, peu importe comment  vous le dites, le riz. Le plat principal si vous mangez dans un restaurant chinois, le riz. La source d'alimentation qu'on peut cultiver presque  partout dans le monde, le riz. Le riz est ici sur la terre depuis longtemps. Le riz est une excellente source de vitamine E, B, et de potassium. Le riz est un aliment que vous tous aimerez si vous l'essayez. Pourquoi? Parce que le riz est la vie!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Rice in everyday life

Have you ever seen a big sign over a restaurant that has a big picture of... (C'mon guys! You know what I'm gonna say! Say it out loud with me!)  No... I meant to say chopsticks. Okay now... Have you ever seen a big sign over a restaurant that has chopsticks hanging down into a bowl of... RICE! Yes! Nowadays, it's not just you and me who actually eat rice. I'm talking about like everyone! People eat Rice puddings, Rice Pops, Rice Cereal, Rice Balls, and Rice Krispies! You see Rice puddings at hotels, cruises and buffets! And guess what, usually, they are Free, Free, Free!!! We have Rice Pops for healthy snack at school too! You can get Rice Pop at Food Basics for like $1.99, Buy 1 get 1 free, Buy 2 get 1 free plus 50% off coupon! But Hurry! Offer ends when Costco stops giving out FREE samples! (NOOO!!!) Rice Cereal is available at Wal-Mart. (Save money, Live Better.) (I just love that slogan!) but for some reason, its just specifically made for babies. (I don't really care though. It's $4.99, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is a price that I can actually afford!) Rice Balls (a.k.a. Onigiri) are just wonderful! You see these Rice Balls? They are appearing like Everywhere! I see them in Mangas, Animes, Japanese Anime/Manga stores, Social Media, and in restaurants everywhere! It's even in one of children's  most favorite TV shows!  I mean like, look at the picture in the top right corner! It's a picture of Pikachu eating a Rice Ball! I mean like, this is one of the best things they are actually putting in children Animes! How mcuh better can this get?! And finally, we have Rice Krispies!!! Rice Krispies are so CHEAP, but delicious! Even read what the people there working are saying: "For more than 80 years, Kellogg's Rice Krispies Cereal has been made nearly the same way, from just a handful of ingredients. Each piece is made from a single, toasted grain of rice, which moms know is one of the easiest grains to digest, so it's gentle on little tummies." Exactly, no wonder why rice is so popular nowadays. But you know what the best way to make rice popular? If Costco actually started giving away samples of rice. FOR FREE!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

How to hold chopsticks PROPERLY (Part 2)

I hope everyone has been practicing on how to hold chopsticks. Another thing that has been worrying me is the amount of time you practice each day. Okay, I understand that some of you can master holding chopsticks really quickly, but what has come to my attention is that some of you are struggling. Badly.
So, in order to succeed, you must practice everyday, do it during your free time! Like hold them on the bus, or hold chopsticks while walking to school! (Some people may walk by thinking you're mental, but just ignore them. They're just jealous because you can use chopsticks and they can't.) You can hold them at recess, while watching television, talking on the phone, reading a book, sleeping, even when you're on your little "Potty" break! And for now on, instead of asking for a fork or a spoon to eat your dinner with, ask for chopsticks! It will be the perfect opportunity to practice! Even if you are having a Big Mac or some Onion Rings at some Fast Food Restaurant, try asking for some chopsticks instead of a fork or knife! Who knows? They might even get the utensils you requested for! If you're eating at a Asian or Chinese restaurant, they are a bit different from the restaurants that you usually go to. Instead, you will receive both chopsticks and a spoon (for drinking soup!) But I'm guessing if you really do need a fork, ask really really nicely and also offer their staff a "Free" Costco Membership card for the manager or else they'll be like: "What the rice did you just ask me?!" "You is asking for a fork?!" "You disgust me!" Now you give me my tip and get outta here right NOW!" (Or something else like that...) But be warned! If you ever do need a fork in a time of need, it is always best to bring your own fork to the restaurant, since asking for a spoon can be risky business... And always remember, It is always best to bring your own spoon, and bringing it in is FREE!!!